Short overview of Polish real estate law

Warsaw, 24 May 2019 Short overview of Polish real estate law 1. Property law Property law in Poland constitutes complex statutory provisions concerning either movable or real property. Polish law defines all in rem interest in land and no new interests may be created. The Polish legal system recognises only the following in rem interests in real property: 1.1. Ownership is the broadest right in property, enjoying full constitutional protection. 1.2. Perpetual usufruct may only […]
Real Estate Development in Poland

Warsaw, 17 April 2019 THE GENERAL OVERVIEW CONCERNING THE LEGAL BACKGROUND OF THE REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, PERMITTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUEAS CONNECTED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE IN POLAND Definitions Below you will find the list of the meaning of the particular definitions used in the content of this Overview: Overview This document Environmental Decision Decision on Environmental Conditions of the Planned Project issued in accordance with the Environmental Law Building Permit Decision on […]